Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) (1080p BluRay x265 10bit Tigole) chs&eng 字幕

咖啡与香烟 2003

发布时间:2020-12-21 来源:本站编辑
Coffee and Cigarettes
咖啡与烟(台) / 咖啡和香烟
罗伯托·贝尼尼/史蒂夫·赖特/茹瓦·李/Cinqué Lee/伊基·波普/汤姆·威兹/Joseph Rigano/Vinny Vella/Renee French/E.J. Rodriguez/阿莱克斯·德斯卡/伊萨赫·德·班克尔/凯特·布兰切特/杰克·怀特/梅格·怀特/阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳/史蒂夫·库根/加里格莱斯/罗伯特·菲茨杰拉德·迪格斯/比尔·默瑞/威廉·赖斯/泰勒·米德
英语 / 法语
美国 / 日本 / 意大利


Eleven separate vignettes are presented. In each, celebrities, playing semi-fictionalized versions of themselves (with the exception of the characters of various wait staff, and one actor playing a lookalike cousin of herself), meet in a food service establishment with coffee/tea and cigarettes involved. Beyond the topic of discussion that brought them together, they often talk directly about coffee and cigarettes, more often that coffee and cigarettes, and by association caffeine and nicotine, are not healthy, especially if they are the only things constituting lunch. Other recurring themes include the Lee family, cousinhood, celebrity worship, the connection between the medical and musical careers, and Nikola Tesla's belief that the Earth is a conductor of acoustic resonance. In all cases, the coming together for coffee/tea and smokes acts as a bridge to overcome disagreements, and/or makes uncomfortable situations less uncomfortable.

越不健康越健康。华丽的空白派对。十一个没话找话的场景。酷!!。短片名称及主要内容。比较幽默。咖啡和香烟。Are you a bug, Bill Murray?(转载)。觀影心得:人與人及咖啡與菸。无话可说时,桌上有coffee和cigarettes。

  • Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) (1080p BluRay x265 10bit Tigole) chs&eng
  • SRT
  • 双语字幕

  本片是由11个黑白短片综合而成的短篇集,每个短片都围绕咖啡与香烟展开。   一。罗伯托·贝尼尼(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)坐在一家咖啡馆喝着咖啡,史蒂夫·赖特(史蒂夫·赖特 Steven Wright 饰)过来与他攀谈,然而两人似乎没有什么共同语言 ,只在重复表达对咖啡与香烟的热爱……   二。一家咖啡厅里坐着一对黑人双胞胎兄妹,咖啡厅服务员突然对他们很感兴趣,即坐下与之热情交谈,然而兄妹俩似乎对这个不知所云的人毫无兴趣,只在继续抽烟喝咖啡……   三。加利福尼亚某处的一家咖啡馆,流行歌手伊基·波普(伊基·波普 Iggy Pop 饰)与汤姆·威兹(汤姆·威兹 Tom Waits 饰)正在以抽烟的方式庆祝他们戒烟成功。该短片曾获1993年戛纳电影节短片单元金棕榈奖。   ……   十一。这天夜里,喝着速溶咖啡、抽着卷烟的两个老人William R...
Iggy Pop VS Tom Waits.....Benigni跟Waits亦种了個情緣.....
Interesting (which is enough). Still, nothing more.
贾木许这是Cosplay神神叨叨的伍迪艾伦么?第三个故事,伊基·波普Iggy Pop和汤姆·威兹Tom Waits这对老朋克互相埋汰音乐和他们为庆祝戒烟而抽烟挺逗的。第七个故事,凯特·布兰切特一人分饰际遇迥异的姐妹俩演技太出色。第九个故事,好莱坞势力生态学。一人一颗星吧。
very sophisticated movie! subtly well done! subtly witty and humourous! love the table top scenes sooooo much!
