Women.Who.Flirt.2014.1080p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.chs.srt 字幕

撒娇女人最好命 2014

发布时间:2017-04-18 来源:本站编辑
撒娇的女人最好命 / 会撒娇的女人最好命 / Women Who Flirt / Women Who Know How to Flirt Are the Luckiest
彭浩翔 Ho-Cheung Pang
周迅 Xun Zhou/黄晓明 Xiaoming Huang/隋棠 Sonia Sui/谢依霖 Yilin Sie/康康 Kan Kan
汉语普通话 / 英语
中国大陆 / 中国香港

撒娇女人最好命的剧情介绍,女汉子张慧(周迅饰)从大学时期起就暗恋同学蠢萌宅男龚志强(黄晓明饰),可惜龚志强一直都把她当哥们儿,而且还坚持在事业有成之前保持单身,张慧只好就默默等待着。一次出差,志强邂逅了台湾软妹蓓蓓(隋棠饰),在蓓蓓的撒娇攻势下志强缴械投降,两人瞬间爱的天雷勾地火。张慧得知情况后大受打击,好在闺蜜——号称上海撒娇女王的阮美(谢依霖饰)出手相救,还找来了长江以南最强撒娇天团相助,誓要教张慧训练为撒娇达人,夺回真爱。一场腥风血雨的男神争夺战势在必行,究竟鹿死谁手? <br />   本片改编自罗曼夫的畅销情感书籍《会撒娇的女人最好命》。

Most women know that flirting can sometimes be the most effective way to get what they want, especially when it comes to men. However, flirting is an art that takes talent, and isn't so easy to come by for some... Zhang Hui (Zhou Xun) has a crush on her fellow classmate, Xiao Gong (Huang Xiaoming). However, family pressure to succeed forces him to focus more on his studies rather than relationships, delegating Zhang Hui to the role of "just - friends". But Zhang Hui doesn't give up that easily. After graduation she finds work in Shanghai in order to stay close to Xiao Gong. Matters are complicated, however, when Xiao Gong returns from a business trip to Taiwan with a new girlfriend, Bei Bei. Unable to admit defeat, Zhang Hui seeks the help from a college classmate and her group of friends that have mastered the art of flirting. Overnight, Zhang Hui's appearance, demeanor, and silks of seduction improve dramatically. As Xiao Gong begins to take notice, their relationship begins to progress beyond being "just friends." Never one to back down from a challenge, Bei Bei must plan a counter-offensive in order to maintain her girlfriend-status... From romantic comedy director Pang Ho-Cheung, WOMEN WHO FLIRT is a touching story about the lengths we go to win the hearts of people we love.


  • Women.Who.Flirt.2014.1080p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.chs.srt
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