一九四四 1944 2015 1080p nld blu-ray aac x 264-中文字幕.mkv

一九四四 2015/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2020-05-17 来源:本站编辑
1944铁甲连(台) / 我们的1944 / 1944: Forced to Fight
埃尔莫·纽加农 Elmo Nüganen
卡斯帕·威尔伯格 Kaspar Velberg/克里斯蒂安·乌克斯库拉 Kristjan Üksküla/麦肯·施密特 Maiken Schmidt/格特·劳塞 Gert Raudsep/亨德里克·图姆佩勒 Hendrik Toompere Jr. Jr./卡尔·安德烈亚斯·卡梅特 Karl-Andreas Kalmet/亨里克·卡尔梅特 Henrik Kalmet/帕努·欧加 Pääru Oja/普瑞特·斯川伯格 Priit Strandberg/普瑞特·派厄斯 Priit Pius/马特·派厄斯 Märt Pius/克瑞斯托·维丁 Kristo Viiding/贾克·普林特斯 Jaak Prints/马格努斯·马里乌森 Magnús Mariuson/迈特·马姆斯登 Mait Malmsten/托努·欧加 Tõnu Oja/瑟珀·西曼 Sepo Seeman/安妮·里曼 Anne Reemann
2015-02-08(柏林电影节) / 2015-02-20(爱沙尼亚)
爱沙尼亚语 / 俄语 / 德语
爱沙尼亚 / 芬兰


In the new historical film Elmo Nyuganena "1944" considered the military events in Estonia in 1944, during the period from July of fights Sinimäe until November, when the peninsula of Sorve was already conquered by the Soviet Army. War is shown through the eyes of participants in the events on both warring sides - the Estonians who fought on the side of the German army in the 20th Estonian division Waffen-SS, and as part of the 8th Estonian Rifle Corps of the Soviet Army. For residents of Estonia it was a war in which everyone makes their own choices. It is with such hard choices facing the main characters of the film - the soldiers of the opposing sides Carl Tammik and Urey Jogi - as well as their co-workers, relatives, friends and even unknown people.

从添加到通过审核用了一周,不能遗忘的抗苏历史。被碾压的小国命运。近年来非常完美的道具。同室操戈 相煎何急——爱沙尼亚电影《1944》的戏里戏外。从爱、德、俄语的角度才能更好的解读影片。【不算影评】为本片补充一点历史背景。这是谁的战争?这又是谁的正义?。1944和我对爱沙尼亚的记忆。历史的另一面。爱沙尼亚,1944。



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  • 一九四四 1944 2015 1080p nld blu-ray aac x 264-中文字幕.mkv
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  • 1.8GB